Plan approved for Oxford homes and life sciences quarter

A joint venture between Nuffield College and Oxford City Council – OXWED – aims to transform Oxford’s West End with a new quarter next to Oxpens meadow.

The plans include 234 flats, of which half will be affordable, 258 student rooms, a 250-bed hotel, 500,000 sq ft of offices and labs, and new public open spaces.

Site will consist of nine building plots with the first to start building in 2027

Local planners also approved detailed enabling works packages for Oxpens, including a flood mitigation scheme and reinstatement of the Oxpens Meadow as well as works to the existing river tow path to allow for outfall pipes.

New square with major office schemes

Kevin Minns, managing director of OxWED, said: “We are absolutely thrilled that the planning committee voted in favour of the planning application this evening, which allows us to start work on how we realise our bold ambitions for the site.

“Oxpens is arguably the most important regeneration opportunity in the city today and it has taken a lot of hard work by a large number of very talented people to get this point.

Oxpens site

“This area of Oxford, with its rich history of community and industry, is now set for major regeneration bringing with it new homes, new jobs, new commercial space, fantastic public space and a whole new riverside neighbourhood for everyone in Oxford to enjoy.”

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